portfolio a selection of work for print, video, digital, and web

Strategist and UX writer: digital-activist.org

I managed the CMS platform for digital-activist.org and the corresponding page on the Movement Hub website.

I wrote all copy and UX text for the platform and toolkit page on the Movement Hub site. Digital Activist is designed to help grassroots climate justice groups signal-boost their campaigns using campaigning tools such as social storming.

Copywriter: MARRKNULL, jungle

Translation and copyediting consultant for all French-language materials into English for MARRKNULL at Paris Fashion Week, February 2023. My client was Paris-based fashion agency Autrement PR.

Communications and research contractor: election disinformation on Tiktok, Youtube, and Facebook

Co-author and editor on Global Witness report shared by The Guardian and The Washington Post among others.

Research and communications consultant: global witness, digital threats team

An investigation by Global Witness and the Cybersecurity for Democracy (C4D) team at NYU Tandon looked at Facebook, TikTok, and YouTube's ability to detect and remove election disinformation in the run up to the US midterm elections.

The investigation revealed starkly contrasting results for the social media giants in their ability to detect and act against election misinformation. TikTok fared the worst; the platform, which does not allow political ads, approved a full 90% of the ads containing outright false and misleading election misinformation.

Content writer: introduction to generative design

Generative design (GD) offers new opportunities for designers and engineers to expand the frontiers of their creative practice.

The Machine Learning process can bolster productivity and help businesses stay at the vanguard of technological change within industries such as architecture, manufacturing, and beyond. So what even is GD?

Copywriting consultant: ONE.org, how you make a difference

Not only do campaigns and petitions demonstrate public support for an issue, they put pressure on our elected officials to act. Thousands of voices demanding change are hard to ignore.

Even a tiny action can have a powerful effect. You just sharing a blog post or video on social media can make the difference between helping a cause snowball and gain the support it needs, or fading into obscurity.

UX writer and copywriter: 'global week of action' microsite

Science has given the world a fighting chance against COVID-19. But now, vaccine inequality is fueling COVID cases around the world. In low-income countries, billions of people are still waiting for their first shot.

Through a Global Week of Action, local communities in over 50 countries are mobilising to speak out and tell our leaders enough is enough.

UX writer and copy editor: network canvas website and application

UX writer for Network Canvas, an open-source software platform for surveying personal networks, covering the project overview and all in-app text.

Research and communications contractor: social media evaluation

In July 2020 European Changemakers began a Stories feature on our website as part of the digital strategy for the Empowered Citizens 2.0 project. Our goal was to show solidarity and boost the stories of members of our extended network, helping amplify coverage of grassroots causes at vital moments - actions, court dates - and create closer ties with activists and organisers.

Comms and campaigns consultant: movement hub & greenpeace nordic

Fighting for fundamental human rights? Or against the corporations and governments causing climate change? You’ve come to the right place. Join other changemakers from across Europe and beyond for free tools, online training and inspiring stories.

Video producer and treatment writer: 'I'm a climate justice activist'

Powerful interests are using our converging crises as a shield to dismantle human rights and environmental protections.

We’ve created this video with activists in our network to show the strength, determination, and solidarity required to keep fighting in these difficult circumstances.

Editor: kitchen cultures at the eden project

I copy-edited the proposal and project text for Kitchen Cultures at the Eden Project's Invisible Worlds exhibition, as well as the final piece published in the New Socialist.

Writer: review of 'fountain' by lyra pramuk

One of 2020’s most satisfying and complete proofs-of-concept, Lyra Pramuk’s “Fountain” was made using the American composer’s voice, and nothing else – adding authenticity and gravitas to every stretched, sampled, pitch-shifted, multi-tracked and enveloping utterance.

The Pennsylvania-born, Berlin-residing and one-time chorist Pramuk recorded her debut album at the tail-end of her 20s, but the path to arrive at that point stretches much farther back. “Fountain” is the result of successive momen

Writer: 'in the future the means of production will own themselves', post memes: seizing the memes of production

Art-form, send-up, farce, ironic disarticulation, pastiche, propaganda, trololololol, mode of critique, mode of production, means of politicisation, even of subjectivation — memes are the inner currency of the internet’s circulatory system. Independent of any one set value, memes are famously the mode of conveyance for the alt-right, the irony left, and the apoliticos alike, and they are impervious to many economic valuations: the attempts made in co-opting their discourse in advertising and big business have made little headway, and have usually been derailed by retaliative meming.

Post-Memes: Seizing the Memes of Production takes advantage of the meme’s subversive adaptability and ripeness for a focused, in-depth study. Pulling together the interrogative forces of a raft of thinkers at the forefront of tech theory and media dissection, this collection of essays paves a way to articulating the semiotic fabric of the early 21st century’s most prevalent means of content posting, and aims at the very seizing of the memes of production for the imagining and creation of new political horizons.

Writer: 'recurrence of all things', regeneration songs

Twenty-seven leading artists, writers and academics come together to tackle one of the most drastic urban regeneration programmes in world history – the “Regeneration Supernova” of East London.

The impact of global capital and foreign investment on local communities is being felt in major cities across the world. Since the 2012 Olympics was awarded to the British capital, East London has been at the heart of the largest and most all-encompassing top-down urban regeneration strategy in civic history.
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